Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rough and Tumble: Theatre That Doesn't Suck

Rough & Tumble is a ten year-old theatre company that has made a name for itself in Boston for its inventive physical comedy and bold theatricality. The company develops original works, produces new plays by Boston playwrights, and stages guerilla theater events around Boston (such as an elaborate chase scene through the Boston Public Library and a playfully bizarre tour along the Freedom Trail).

While not quite clowns, they use clowning, circus skills, melodrama, masks, and just about anything else they can get their hands on to make theatre that, in their own words, "doesn't suck." (Yes, that's part of their mission statement/manifesto)

They've got a great manifesto up on their website (listed below)

Here's part of it:

Our stuff looks different, is outside the norm, linear narrative, realistic, method/classical stuff because we are looking for new, more alive ways to engage and exhilarate our audience. If that means setting up a bedroom on the Boston Common: OK. If that means creating a show with no spoken dialogue: right-on. If that means adapting a movie script for the stage: brilliant. We love a creative challenge because it's fun, and it presents opportunities to give our audiences glittering moments of awareness. We experiment with the form for the sake of what we create, not for the sake of experimenting.

Our motto is "Theater That Doesn't Suck" because we think most theater does suck. If we could call what we do something other than "plays" and "theater" without confusing people, we'd do it. Most theater is talky, bland, self-important and preaching to the choir. Most theater ignores completely what is unique and exciting about the form. We want to make theater that is more like seeing a great rock concert: dizzying and exhilarating and euphoric and communal and there's a chance you might get laid. And we don't think that's experimental, as much as we think that's what theater should be like, and everyone who isn't trying for that is doing it wrong.

Their next show is a mostly true story of famous airship captain Hugo Eckener's effort to fly the Graf Zeppelin around the world in 1929, carrying dozens of journalists, photographers, paying passengers, and the physician to the King of Spain. They are combing through the many histories and newspaper reports that chronicled the event to recreate the atmosphere of media frenzy, populist pride, and futurism that swirled about the voyage. In addition to all of the historical research, they will be making a bunch of stuff up wholecloth.

The show will be at the Factory Theater, 791 Tremont Street in Boston from April 11-27.

To find out more about Rough and Tumble, visit their website

Friday, March 21, 2008

Clown, Jokers, Pranksters Art Show -Eastchester NY

This is right up my alley! Literally.

I won't be at the opening however, as I have a wedding to attend that night-- My Own!

The Claude Gallery in Eastchester, New York is proud to present their first theme art show:
Clowns, Jokers and Pranks Art Show, with a line up of over a dozen talented artists from across the United States. The curators of this show are RT Vegas and Jerry Todd. The opening festivities will commence on Saturday April 5th 2008 from 7 p.m until 1 a.m. Refreshments will include complimentary food and drink including wine, beer and tequila. A live musician jam session will coincide with art opening starting at 9 p.m. It will be held in the basement sound studio of the Claude Gallery and be hosted by gallery owner Artie Walker.

Featured Artists:
Irmal Cannavo
Mark Fox
Andrew Sloan
Biagio "Gino" Civale
Jesse Sanchez
Jerry Todd
Nicolas Caesar
Katie Simpson
Mike A.
RT Vegas
Nick Sheridan
Dutch Von Spooge

Clowns, Jokers and Pranks Art Show at the Claude Gallery
Runs from April 5th 2008 through May 2nd 2008.

The Claude Gallery
282 Main Street
Eastchester, New York 10707

Artie Walker, owner

For more information call (914) 779-8822 or email Artie at

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Kendall Cornell & Co-- April 11-13

a semi-sophisticated clown cabaret
with Kendall Cornell and her
Soon-To-Be-World-Famous Women's Clown Troupe

APRIL 11-13th 2008
(three nights only!!!)
An old-fashioned music hall is overrun by clowns who, along with their slightly more serious guest artists, present music and song of all genres, madcap dance numbers and devilish surprises.
Special guest artists include:
The hip songstress Fiona Landers
The tap dancing élan of Rod Ferrone
The flamenco vocals of Alfonso Cid
The rock and roll musings of The Bitter Poet
The Club at La MaMa E.T.C.
74 A EAST 4th Street - between 2nd Avenue and The Bowery
(F/V to 2nd Avenue, 6 to Astor Place, N/R to 8th St.)
Friday, April 11th at 10 pm
Saturday, April 12th at 10pm
Sunday, April 13th at 5:30pm
Running Time: Approximately 65 min ~ no intermission

TICKETS: $15 (Student and senior tickets are $10 with valid ID)

Phone: (212) 475-7710
In person: LaMaMa box office
(Mon - Fri 10am – 10pm, Sat - Sun Noon - 10pm)
Alfonso Cid:
Rod Ferrone, The Tap Cat in the Hat:
Kevin Draine, The Bitter Poet:
Fiona Landers: and

HawHaw James-- Self-portraits and visual inventiveness

HawHawJames isn't a professional clown-- he's a painter, artist, and (according to his bio) a drag queen and born again Christian. All that's unimportant, though, because I think his latest project is delightful.

He's been doing some amazing trompe l'oeil's, using his face as a canvas, and then photographing the results. These self-portraits are witty, clever, and very well done.

I've posted a few of them below-- but you should check out his whole collection on Flickr. These are portraits of his own face, and he's got a whole bunch of other interesting ones.

In clown work, we talk a lot about visual inventiveness- here it is in spades!

FLICKR: HawHawJames Self Portraits

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cirque Photos from Chile

I used to belong to fotolog which was one of the original "Download your own photo" sites. Then Flickrcame along, and fotolog was having so many technical problems, and I jumped ship. I forgot all about fotolog, until I got an email telling me I had a comment on one of my old pages there. I checked out my old site at fotolog (which is still up) and noticed that there were a lot of comments on the site, and I started surfing, and ended up finding a very interesting photo site

It's a guy from Chile who works a lot of technical stuff for Cirque du Soleil when they are in Chile. He's got lots of great photos of clowns and Cirque du Soleil artists and him. The text is all in Spanish, so I can only guess what it says, but basically it's photos of Cirque artists. It's a great behind the scenes look at some of the performers/makeup/etc. (I've cobbled together four of the photos below)

To see more of these photos, visit the website listed below: You can also catch my OLD fotolog site (which is mostly NOT clown related) at the link listed below:



Thursday, March 13, 2008

Think Foolishly

Drew Richardson (aka The Dramatic Fool) has been busy blogging. His blog- Think Foolishly, features exercises, comments, interviews, and examples of his work in the really hard work of the clown- creative problem-solving. Or, how to do stuff logically that's just wrong, but doesn't seem wrong to your character.

Sometimes when I'm teaching clowning and improvisation, I call this "predicamenting"-- finding or manufacturing the predicament that your character (or characters) get into. It takes skill and talent to set up the proper scenario.

Over at Drew's blog-- he's got several assignments to learn how to be a better predicamenter-- the last one as of today was to build a "Foolish Tool Kit"-- a kit that fits in your suitcase that can be used to solve (and create) a number of problems. His before and after photos are funny!

Also on the blog are film clips of masters (and of Drew's latest work) , an interview with creativity coach Eric Maisel, and other exercises to help you Think Foolishly. Definitely worth checking out!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Clown Festival Applications Available

The Brick Theater is now accepting application for the Third New York Clown Theatre Festival! Applications will be due by mid-April. The festival will take place this September. If you're interested, please follow the link below:

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Clowns Without Borders South Africa- New website!

I wrote about Clowns Without Borders South Africa back in September 2007.

I'm happy to report that they now have their own website.

You can now click on the link above to make sure you keep up with the great work they are doing of bringing the gift of laughter to the impoverished in South Africa and surrounding areas.

Not only are they bringing kids laughter, they are leaving behind the seeds-- one of their important works is teaching workshops so that after they leave, kids have the tools to start making their own shows. If there is a surge of South African circus in 10 years, you will know why.