Tuesday, July 29, 2008

NY Times Article on Kendall Cornell's Clowns Ex Machina

Kendall Cornell & Co scored a NY Times article about their work and upcoming show!


Thursday, July 31st at 7:30 pm
Friday, August 1st at 7:30 pm
Saturday, August 2nd at 7:30 pm

updated venue!
Manhattan Children’s Theatre,
52 White Street (between Broadway and Church) in Tribeca

Advance tickets: $15 at theatermania.com or 212-352-3101 (or weird.org)

At the door: $18 general admission/$10 students and seniors (cash only)

For more info about the festival and tickets: www.weird.org

And here's the beginning of the article:

Exploring the Bozo Mystique, and Defining Funny on Their Own Feminine Terms

Chester Higgins Jr./The New York Times

Amanda Barron at rehearsal with Clowns Ex Machina. Members said their creativity had been stifled in mixed-gender troupes.

Published: July 29, 2008

Judi Lewis Ockler maneuvered into a black Victorian blouse, plucking the puffed velvet sleeves into place. She rummaged through her gym bag for a long green cloak and a pair of yellow socks with daisies. Then she pulled out a pink polka-dot baggie for the final touch: a red nose.

She took her place among five other women gathered in a circle — one dressed in a pink tutu, others in various combinations of red-, black- and gray-striped tights, silver sequins and puffy bloomers — as they stretched and limbered up in a dance studio in Lower Manhattan.

“All right, everybody put your noses on,” said the director, Kendall Cornell, clapping her hands.

Ms. Cornell founded Clowns Ex Machina in 2005, when it was known as Kendall Cornell’s Soon-to-Be-World-Famous Women’s Clown Troupe. In her own 22-year performance career, Ms. Cornell said, she continued to hit the glass ceiling of clowning: She was always pushed to be the female sidekick, had few female role models and could not find a space to explore her particular brand of humor.

“You had to be like a man to do this work, to open the door,” Ms. Cornell said. “I don’t find too many people interested in investigating what women have to offer that is different.”

While some clown routines are scripted — wander on stage, slip on banana peel, fall down — most are developed through improvisation. Physical humor, involving one’s own or another’s body parts, is the hallmark of clowning. And that was the main roadblock Ms. Cornell kept facing, in one professional workshop after another.

“It becomes sexual for the men,” Ms. Cornell said. “I remember coming to the center of the circle, I started to dance and some guy says, ‘Take it off!’ And I said, ‘How can I work like this?’ ”

Ms. Cornell’s work depends on an all-female environment to transform the taboo into the funny, the sexual into the silly. “Oh, for a world where dropping your drawers meant comedy, not promiscuity!” she wrote on her Web site, www.notjustforshockvalue.com. The troupe draws a sophisticated audience, more the theatergoing type than the slapstick Barnum & Bailey fan.

“It’s not the ‘be dump bump’ here’s the laugh,” Ms. Cornell said, referring to standard rimshot humor. When people come to the show, “they have to rediscover their relationship to what’s funny.”

A lot of rediscovery happens around women’s bodies. The group has developed full vignettes that rely on breasts as punch lines. It turns out, for all the fanfare they get in car ads and movies, that breasts are pretty funny.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Goofs & Bongar at the Flea August 7-9

Michael Bongar, former Ringling clown, graduate of clown college and now one of the most well-versed and influential of the variety bookers in the NY Area, is coming out of retirement for one set of shows as part of a NY Goofs reunion night at the Flea Theatre. Billed as his "Farewell Tour", I'm sure there will be lots of ribbing, poking fun, and that old-fashioned stuff... Oh yeah, comedy.

Other Goofs will also be performing, including
Dick Monday, Tiffany Riley, Hilary Chaplain, Mark Gindeck, Watson Kawecki, Joel Jeske, Evelyn Tuths, Michael Preston, Larry Pisoni, Mike Smith, Jay Stewart, Therese Schorn, Kim Winslow

AUGUST 7, 8 & 9
7 PM
Tickets - 212-352-3101

The Flea Theatre
41 White St
New York, NY 10013
(212) 226-0051
or visit

Friday, July 18, 2008

Historic & Triumphant Return of the Flea Circus to Coney Island

A little bit of a shameless plug, but truthfully, I've done most of my best work by being shameless. It's when I get shameful that I have to worry!

Anyway, it's probably the last flea circus gig before the baby is born (unless something happens in the next week!) so come check it out if you can!

Click the image for a larger poster.

The Flea Circus Returns To Coney Island!

Coney Island Flea Circus Poster ==============================

WHAT: Acme Miniature Flea Circus at the Coney Island Museum

WHERE: Coney Island Museum, 1208 Surf Ave. Brooklyn NY 11224-2816

WHEN: Sunday July 27, 2008 at 4pm.

COST: $5

MORE INFO: http://www.coneyisland.com

MORE INFO: http://www.trainedfleas.com/coneyisland.html

CALL: 718 372 5159

ELECTRONIC PRESS RELEASE: Press Release PDF (707K: must have Adobe Reader)

PUBLICITY PHOTOS: Press Images of the show


Thursday, July 17, 2008

A& E Classic Comedy Clearance.

I've gotten a couple of classic physical comedy offers from A & E Entertainment. They're doing a clearance on some great stuff. I thought it would be of interest to some of my readers here.

DISCLAIMER: If you do click and buy any of this stuff, I'll get some small advertising cut... But don't let that deter you from getting some major deals on classic physical comedy DVD's. These are great, and I will probably own most of them before the month is out.

These offers are only good through 8/6/08, or until they sell out.


Benny Hill: The Complete Collection DVD Set

Availability: In Stock
Ships to U.S. and Canada
6 DVD(s) / 48 Hrs 20 Min
Closed Captioning: No
Was: $149.95 Save $59.98(40%)
On Sale: $89.97

The 16-Ton Monty Python DVD Megaset

Availability: In Stock
Ships to U.S. and Canada
16 DVD(s) / 1749+ Minutes
Closed Captioning: No
Was: $99.95 Save $39.98(40%)
On Sale: $59.97

Rowan Atkinson Live! DVD

Availability: In Stock
Ships to U.S. and Canada
1 DVD(s) / 55 Minutes
Closed Captioning: No
More Details
Clearance, Save 50% !
Was: $19.95
Now: $10.00


Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean DVD Set

Availability: In Stock
Ships to U.S. and Canada
3 DVD(s) / 350+ Minutes
Closed Captioning: No

News From NY Downtown Clown Revue

This Month's Revue- OPEN NOSE

July 21st. Open Mic, - Open Nose 

The July 21st Clown Revue will be an Open Mic for CLOWNS- The New York Downtown Clown Open Nose!

The first 10 performers to arrive and sign up will be given 5 mins of performance time to do anything they want as long as it is in some way "clown".

Expect the unexpected!

If you have an act or an idea you would like to try out in front of an audience July 21 Is Your Opportunity!

When: July 21st, 8:00 pm

Free to perform. ONLY $5 to Watch.


How To Perform- Come to the Kraine Theater(85 E 4th St) at 7pm to sign up. A running order will then be randomly selected. Your act must be low tech and under 5min (stage lights will go black at 5mins). We can play music for you and there will be a mic, You must do your own set up, strike and clean-up. NO LIGHT CUES.

Clown of The Year Runs for President! 

Kinko the Clown from famed Bindlestiff Family Cirkus and 2008 New York Downtown Clown of the Year is running President! To learn more about his platform and how you can help visit www.kinkoforpresident.com

Your Clown Calendar 


Clown Revue JULY 21st, 8pm. OPEN NOSE an all clown open Mic!

Bouffon Glass Menajoree A sacrilegious and unapologetic parody of an American Classic Tennessee Williams' classic tale is ripped wide open in this twisted and outrageous bouffon parody. Each night a new audience member plays the role of the Gentleman Caller. Winner of the NY Innovative Theatre Award for Outstanding Production. http://www.bouffonglassmenajoree.com/ Fri 10:30pm, June 20 - Aug 29 @ Green Room at 45 Bleecker Theatre (at Lafayette) Tickets $15

Kill Me Loudly A Clown Noir Fri & Sat at 8pm.July 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26.
Milagro Theater at Clemente Soto Velez 107 Suffolk btwn Delancey & Rivington (to purchase tickets in advance go to http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/37898)

Clown Axioms - a brand new work-in-progress from Kendall Cornell and Clowns Ex Machina July 31st, August 1st & 2nd @ 7:30pm At: Manhattan Children's Theater 52 White St. (btw. Church and Bdwy) Tix: $15 advance via www.weird.org or theatermania.com or 212-352-3101At door: $18, $10 student/senior (cash only) more info: www.notjustforshockvalue.com

The Maestrosities: Caught in the Zipper!  The Maestrosities host their own monthly variety show at the Zipper Factory on the 1st Monday of eack month 8:00pm, at The Zipper Factory   336 W. 37th St.  (btwn 8th & 9th Aves.) NYC.

The Silent Films (some clowns)- http://www.silentfilmmusic.com


New York Downtown Clown Slapstick Dojo - Every Wed- Info HERE

Introduction to Bouffon with Eric Davis. Sundays 1-4 PM -July 13, 20, 27, & August 3, 10. Location 115 McDougal St.  NYC. info@redbastard.com for more info.

Columbus Program for more info or to sign up email columbus_program@hotmail.com

Jef Johnson's Clown Lab For info visit: www.nyclown.com

NY Goofs Clown School www.nygoofs.com in NYC this August!

Juggling Class with Flying Karamazov Brother Roderick Kimball  every Tuesday night.  For info, visit http://www.jugglingclasses.com

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bindlestiffs Reality Show on the web

Add another show to your summer web watching schedule. The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus has a new reality show that is being broadcast on the web. Each week will feature a mini-sode that is a different aspect of working with the Bindlestiffs-- booking, rehearsing, performing, touring. The trailers look like they are taken from all over the last 10 years or so (or at least incorporate footage from that time period.)

The whole thing is supposed to start on 8/1/08, but there's some pretty good footage/trailers up on the site now. Here are some screengrabs from the trailers.

For more information or to watch the show, visit the websites listed below:

WEBISODES: http://www.thebindlestiffs.com

WEBSITE/INFO: http://www.bindlestiff.org

Monday, July 14, 2008


Got this via email just now:  might be good for somebody out there reading this:


PAY RATE: $1000 for fitting/rehearsal day
$2000 for shoot day including 2 year buyout
Casting Director: Strickman-Ripps
Audition: Wednesday, July 16
Shoot: July 31, 2008
Location: New York

Seeking Mimes. We are open to those who have professional movement and
professional dance experience, but will need to be familiar with miming and
will need to prepare short mime

[DAD] African American and Hispanic, ages 30¹s-mid 40¹s.
[GIRLS] African American and Hispanic, ages 10-­14.

If interested and available, please call Strickman-Ripps Casting ASAP:

Friday, July 11, 2008

Clown Axioms & The Bitter End


Thursday, Friday and Saturday: July 31st, August 1st & 2nd

All shows: 7:30pm


Created and directed by
Kendall Cornell
Written and performed by
Kevin Draine

Nine women clowns spin tales of gothic romance and gory
fairy tales with high comedy and unexpected twists.

Clown Axioms is a brand new work-in-progress from
Kendall Cornell and Clowns Ex Machina
(formerly known as Kendall Cornell's
Soon-To-Be-World Famous Women's Clown Troupe).

more info:

The Bitter Poet unleashes all new guitardriven high energy poetic outbursts on his search for Love in all the wrong stripclubs and over-priced cafes!

more info:

Location: Manhattan Children's Theater 52 White St. (btw. Church and Bdwy)

Tickets: $15 advance via www.weird.org or theatermania.com or 212-352-3101

At the door: $18 general admission, $10 student & senior (cash only)

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Jeune Lune, Mum Puppet Theatre close

This isn't quite about clowning, but I wanted to talk about-- and since it includes two very important theatres that use clowning techniques, I think doing it here is right.

I've just read about two very well respected regional theatres that specialize in "popular theatrical techniques" that are shuttering their doors.

Theatre de la Jeune Leune of Minneapolis, which was founded by students of Jacques LeCoq, and contributed a number of wonderful "physical theatre" plays to the Minneapolis scene (and toured nationally, also) is closing after 30 years. They had won a Tony a couple of years ago as the best regional theatre, even. ARTICLE

Simultaneously, the Mum PuppetTheatre of Philadelphia is also closing after 23 years. This theatre, founded by puppet wunderkind Robert Smythe, was consistently creating new puppet works, and hiring and promoting some of the most interesting work in the area. ARTICLE

Both theatres were highly innovative, very well regarded in their field, had recently won major awards.

So what happened? And is this a harbinger for more closings to come?

Both of the closings seem to be about money, and about energy. It takes a great deal of money to keep a working theatre going, and even more energy. In the case of Mum-- in another philly.com article, Robert said that he realized he was keeping it open mostly to support other artists, and not himself. And for Jeune Lune, according to the Star-Tribune, it had been losing steam since the awards, and the loss of their artistic ensemble.

It seems that both theatres would have been perfectly situated to continue onwards, but they couldn't find another person (in the case of Mum) and didn't find another person (in the case of Jeune Leune) to find a new way to make it successful.

In other words, secession planning.

Original founders can keep stuff going long past their prime based on their personal energy, charisma, and the fact that they already know how to do it. They've got a following, they're following their own vision, and they made it happen-- so they have the confidence that can keep stuff going. But when they retire or move on or do whatever, it can become very difficult to find someone to carry on their vision-- to defeat the cult of personality that they were able to create to make their vision happen.

In one of my books about non-profit organization, the author talks about how when somebody retires from the non-profit, they'll say "Oh, she did the work of three people." But the non-profit never figured out how to raise the money to hire the three people they are going to need to replace them-- so they get stuck in this trap of not having enough money to do the services that need to be done in order to get things going.

I've been thinking a lot about these issues, as we figure out what to do about the non-profit festival that I direct http://www.brightnight.org. I do most of the work for it, and I love doing it, but we have to figure out a secession plan-- nobody can be around forever. And I'm already in my sixth year!

If you have any ideas about how to save theatres, or more insight into why theatres might be closing down, please write them in the comments!

Friday, July 04, 2008

RIP, Larry Harmon

Thanks to Pat Cashin's Clownalley.net for the heads up.

Larry Harmon, the licensor of Bozo the Clown died Thursday due to congestive heart failure.

Say what you will about Bozo, but Larry Harmon was personally responsible for entertaining millions of children.he entertained MILLIONS of children over the years. And that makes him a giant in my book.

RIP, Bozo!

Larry Harmon, who turned the character Bozo the Clown into a show business staple that delighted children for more than a half-century, died Thursday of congestive heart failure. He was 83.

His publicist, Jerry Digney, told The Associated Press he died at his home.

Although not the original Bozo, Harmon portrayed the popular clown in countless appearances and, as an entrepreneur, he licensed the character to others, particularly dozens of television stations around the country. The stations in turn hired actors to be their local Bozos.

"You might say, in a way, I was cloning BTC (Bozo the Clown) before anybody else out there got around to cloning DNA," Harmon told the AP in a 1996 interview.

"Bozo is a combination of the wonderful wisdom of the adult and the childlike ways in all of us," Harmon said.

Pinto Colvig, who also provided the voice for Walt Disney's Goofy, originated Bozo the Clown when Capitol Records introduced a series of children's records in 1946. Harmon would later meet his alter ego while answering a casting call to make personal appearances as a clown to promote the records.

He got that job and eventually bought the rights to Bozo. Along the way, he embellished Bozo's distinctive look: the orange-tufted hair, the bulbous nose, the outlandish red, white and blue costume.

"I felt if I could plant my size 83AAA shoes on this planet, (people) would never be able to forget those footprints," he said.

Read the rest of the article on the NY Times:

Seattle Clown Classes with Arne Zaslove

Arne Zaslove is teaching a class on clowning and physical theater in Seattle on 7 consecutive Mondays starting July 7. Classes will be held from 7 pm- 8:30 pm.

Classes will be held at [SANCA] The School for Acrobatics and New Circus Arts – 674 S. Orcas, Seattle. The class is a very reasonable $133.

Arne Zaslove is a director, teacher, mask specialist and physical theater consultant. As a Fulbright scholar, Arne was the first American to study at Ecole Jacques Lecoq in Paris. There he absorbed a deep understanding of masks and of physical theater. He later apprenticed with commedia dell' arte master Carlo Mazzone-Clementi (who went on to found the Dell' Arte School of Physical Theatre in Blue Lake).

Arne's method of training actors was synthesized through years as Artistic Director of the National Theatre School in Canada, co-founder of the University of Washington PATP program, and Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia. His approach focuses on freeing the individual's body and imagination through a carefully devised sequence of physical exercises, mask work and improvisation. His students have gone on to varied and successful careers, from the circus to Stratford and Hollywood.

Arne has directed and taught in many regional theaters and universities across the U.S. and Canada. During his 20-year tenure as Artistic Director of the Bathhouse Theatre in Seattle, his updated Shakespeare productions and 17 versions of The Big Broadcast (a tribute to the golden age of radio) were especially popular with audiences for their sensitive interpretations and inventive flair. Arne has also worked extensively with David Shiner, and directed the cabaret/theatre/dinner show Pomp, Duck, and Circumstance, which has been featured in Berlin, Seattle, and San Francisco.

To find out more about the class, contact Tara Jensen at SANCA 206-652-4433 or visit the website listed below:

To find out more about Arne Zaslove, follow the link below:
