Friday, May 08, 2009

Pat Cashin's is back up!

And although he lost all of his archives (at least as if this date) he's making up for lost time. He's published 27 posts since April 15. I'm lucky if I made 27 posts this year!

I hereby award the Spy vs Spy Most Prolific Clown Blog Award.
It comes with no cash prize, simply a "well, done, old chum. Well done."
Delivered in a classic English accent.

And completists, please note. The image above was the original spy vs. spy cartoon. This award does not have any connection or collaboration with the real spy vs. spy. Any resemblance is strictly coincidental.

So now, let's hope those archives come back!

1 comment:

Pat Cashin said...


Everything is back up! The archives have been restored and we are open for business once again!

Thanks for your support,