Want to guess what the show features? :o)
First off-- great title for a fringe show-- this is a show that is going to sell out pretty much guaranteed, regardless of the quality of the show.
But it's more than that- it's got a great promise as a concept-- that we can look beyond the titties to see a fantastic show of women doing the Errol Flynn thing with virtuosity.
I saw a French mime woman a number of years ago who performed topless so that you could better see the dazzling muscles and work that she was doing. After the first few minutes of "Wow- nice tits!" you stop looking at the lascivious and start looking at the work.
Now, I'm not sure if there ever stops being a lascivious quality to it, and the first few minutes I was most DECIDELY not looking at the work, but I love the idea of it, and I love the promise of this show.
I have been planning a trip to DC to see some friends, and now I'm going to try to coincide it with this show. Who knows, maybe there's some other great fringe to see too!
And there's also a blog about creating the show: http://bbwsf2009.blogspot.com/
Bare Breasted Women Sword Fighting is a vaudeville that unleashes the feminine mystique in a whirl of petticoats and a dazzling display of strength, swords, and skin. Behold brutal buxom beauties! Take in tantalizing ta-ta titans! Gaze longingly at the titillating, tangoing Bare Breasted Women Sword Fighting! (And, yes, this contains strong language and nudity.) conceived & directed by Lorraine Ressegger
Performance schedule: July 16 @ 9pm; July 17 @ 10:30pm; July 18 @ 10:30pm; July 19 @ 8pm; July 22 @ 8pm; July 23 @ 8pm; July 24 @ 10:30pm; July 25 @ 10:30pm; July 26 @ 6pm. | Tickets: $15. On sale June 22 at dogandponydc.com and capitalfringe.org. |
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