Wednesday, May 20, 2009

All Will Learn to Wear Bowlers: Pig Iron Clown Workshop in NYC


with Quinn Bauriedel and Geoff Sobelle in New York City

WHEN: Wednesdays (June 10, 17, and 24) 2:30 - 5:30 PM
WHERE: The Brecht Forum 451 West Street
COST: $125

Pig Iron Artistic Director Quinn Bauriedel and Company Member Geoff Sobelle (creator of the international hit all wear bowlers) invite you to join them in an investigation of the world of the clown.

What gets revealed when you stand alone in front of an audience?
What pleasure can be found with the smallest mask in the world?
In what discipline are you the world's leading expert?

With little else than a red nose and the body that you inherited, the workshop will exploit each participant's unique sense of humor and way of uncovering the absurdity of being a human being on this planet. Take a leap into the unknown territory of your own lunacy.

To register, contact Quinn Bauriedel at

Pig Iron Theatre Company has been creating original performance works in Philadelphia since 1995, making plays about live music, dead people, neuroscience and thwarted love affairs through a unique method of collaborative creation and with a signature physical approach to character.

Past collaborations have included work with the legendary director Joe Chaikin, playwright Adriano Shaplin, choreographer David Brick, and composer Cynthia Hopkins.

Pig Iron's work has been seen at theaters and festivals in London, Edinburgh, San Francisco, Italy, Poland, Ukraine, Brazil, Germany, Ireland, Romania and Peru. The company's original works have met with critical acclaim and awards, including a 2005 OBIE; most recently, Pig Iron's Chekhov Lizardbrain was hailed by The New York Times as one of the top 10 theatre events of 2008. In September 2009, Pig Iron will premiere Welcome to Yuba City, a comic exploration of the mythic American West, at the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival.

Find out more about their work at

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