Thursday, February 18, 2010

Clown Car Commercial for KCI

This commercial has a lot of great elements in it, and to my mind, uses the clowns in just the right way.
(Thanks to Toto Johnson for pointing this out, and being in the commercial to boot!)

1 comment:

Adam said...

This comment came in from Dave Carlyon:

You're right about the commercial. It's a rare one that uses clown straight, so to speak. Unfortunately, considering effectiveness, it uses them wrong, emphasizing the hassle of using long-distance parking. The reason to advertise is to persuade people to overcome their reluctance to use long-distance parking. And take it from someone who's taken long trips with his family, the reason for reluctance, despite it being cheaper, is that adding another step on a trip is a hassle. So showing people taking so long, falling down, loading up tons of luggage, delays as they bump into each other, plus commotion (juggling) on the bus reminds potential customers of that hassle.